POURA (Nutty Cigars)

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A crisp, sweet and nutty delight to serve any time day or night. To prevent the fillo pastry sheets from drying out, cover with a slightly damp tea towel until you are ready to use it.

Makes 18 cigars


• 6 tablespoons of chopped    mixed nuts
• 3 tablespoons of caster    sugar
• 1 teaspoon of ground    cinnamon
• 1 tablespoon of orange    flower water


• 6 sheets of fillo pastry
• melted butter for brushing    over the fillo pastry


• 220g caster sugar
• 125 ml of water
• 100 ml of orange flower    water

Mix the ingredients for the filling together in a bowl and set aside while preparing the pastry. Lay the 6-fillo pastry sheets out in front of you length ways and cut evenly into 3 (to produce 18 pieces of pastry). Brush the top of each piece with melted butter. Place a heaped teaspoon of the filling mixture nearest to you leaving a 2 cm (1 inch) border either side. Bring the sides in and roll forward until a thin cigar shape has been formed. Repeat until all 18 cigars are done. Brush all over with melted butter and place in a deep baking tray in a single layer. Bake in a preheated oven on a moderate hot heat for about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove and set aside while making the syrup.

syrup - Combine the ingredients in a saucepan and stir over a low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Bring to the boil then take off the heat. Let the syrup cool slightly before pouring down the side of the baking tray to about half way up the nutty cigars. Let the nutty cigars go cold before serving.