HOUMOUS (Chick Pea Dip)

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Tinned chick peas are used in this recipe for simplicity and quickness. Dried chick peas can be used but must be soaked overnight in cold water and can take up to two hours of cooking. The dip can be made a day ahead, cover with cling film and refrigerate.

Serves 4 to 6

• 410g tin / can of chick    peas, drained
• 100g of tahini paste
• 3 cloves of garlic
• juice of half a lemon
• 100 ml of extra virgin olive    oil (plus 1 tablespoon to    garnish)
• enough water to bring to a    paste
• salt to taste
• 1 tablespoon of finely    chopped flat leaf parsley    to garnish

Pour the chick peas into a food processor and process until pulped. Add the tahini paste, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Process for 30 seconds while adding the water to make a slightly smooth texture. Add salt to taste. Drizzle over the tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkle with the flat leaf parsley to serve.