SHEFTALIA (Greek Sausage)

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The caul-fat is white in colour and is stringy in a cobweb sort of way when carefully pulled apart. This might seem a strange combination together but the caul-fat is used for wrapping the pork mince, adding moisture and to increase the flavour in the sausages. Once cooked either eat whole or remove the caul-fat immediately before serving.

Serves 4 to 6

• 500g of thin caul-fat
   (fat from around a
   lamb’s belly)
• 2 tablespoons of lemon    juice

Meat mixture

• 500g of lean mince pork
• 2 medium onions,
   finely chopped
• 45g of fresh flat leaf    parsley, finely chopped
• half a tablespoon of salt
• half a teaspoon of
   ground black pepper
• 1 large pinch of ground    cumin
• 2 tablespoons of extra    virgin olive oil

Wash the caul-fat very well in a small bowl of warm water and the lemon juice. Drain and cut into 16 cm by 13 cm (6 1/2 inch x 5 inch) size pieces and set aside. Mix the meat mixture together in a large bowl. Lay the caul-fat out and put 1 heaped tablespoon of the mixture in the centre, fold the side’s inwards and roll up into a sausage shape. Arrange and cook over a hot barbecue turning regularly until the sausages are cooked through (beware, the barbecue will flame when the fat drips onto the hot charcoal). Alternatively, place the sausages in an ovenproof dish in a single layer. Cook in a preheated oven on a moderate hot heat for 20 minutes and then carefully pour off the excess fat. Return to the oven and continue to cook until golden brown.

Caul-fat can be purchased from most independent butchers.